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Saturday 23 June 2018

The Order In Nature (part 1)

The Order In Nature (part 1)

Though nature is subtle and mysterious, it is not erratic or capricious. In vast areas of nature, which science has investigated, law and order, method and system, regularity and consistency are found to prevail. The book of nature is written in hieroglyphics, which, however, can be deciphered. The laws of nature can be discovered and the forces of nature can be harnessed for the benefit of mankind. Nature cannot be overpowered by force or moved by supplications. But, its favours can be won by obeying its laws. All this hard but rewarding work of studying and handling nature comes within the sphere of science.
Science is a quest for truth. It is a search for constant relations between one fact and another, between a cause and its effect, between two phenomena which are apparently unrelated.
It presupposes that such constant relationships do exist and can be discovered; that what has happened once will happen again when the circumstances are similar; that things repeat in nature according to fixed laws.

For centuries science made little progress because of the belief that the universe is governed in every detail by divine , which is unknowable and variable and against which human intelligence and effort are of no avail. Later on when it was realised that gods, angels and spirits do not interfere in the functioning of nature, one major obstacle to the systematic study of nature was removed and two basic postulates of science emerged.

The first postulate is that events do not take place without a preceding cause, that something cannot come out of nothing. Whatever it may be, an eclipse,a rainbow, a strange animal, a coin, a pen, a thought or a feeling, does not come from nothing but must have a cause. It may be easy or difficult to correlate cause and effect, but neither can exist without the other. 
The universe is not running haphazardly but according to the immutable law of cause and effect, which follow each other in an unending succession. Whatever happens in the world is the inevitable result of sometthing that preceded , it and the inevitable cause of something that follows.

FOR FURTHER READING GO FOR order in nature part 2

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